Díszkiadások, Albumok

Szerb Antal
Libertine Könyvkiadó
Oldalak száma:

A Pendragon-legenda díszkiadás

„A legkedvesebb és legkönnyedébb olvasmányok közül való” – írta Szerb Antal A Pendragon-legenda című regényéről a Nyugat 1935-ben. Majd 100 évvel később sem lehetne találóbban jellemezni ezt az intellektuális és fanyar humorral megírt detektívregényt, amely úgy tartja be műfajának sajátosságait, hogy közben kifigurázza azokat. 

4 499 Ft
Trokán Nóra
KMH Print
Oldalak száma:

Mielőtt fotóalbum

"Ha jobban visszagondolok, mindig is ott volt a vágy. Egész kicsi korom óta. A vágy, hogy megállítsam a pillanatot. Emlékszem a gondolatra: vajon lesz-e valaha olyan, hogy az ember a szemével, egy pislogással felvételt készít egy beépített kis kamera segítségével? Akkor ez szürreális álomnak tűnt, ma már talán nem is olyan elképzelhetetlen. Annak idején maradt az álmodozás és a szememmel készített több ezer kép elmentése az emlékezetembe. Amerre jártam az utcán, és jött egy arra érdemes pillanat, csak hopp, egy pislogás, és a kép már ott volt készen a fejemben."

7 999 Ft
J. K. Rowling
Oldalak száma:

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: MinaLima Edition

A dazzling new edition of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, fully illustrated in brilliant color and featuring exclusive interactive paper craft elements, including a foldout Hogwarts letter and more!
In this stunning new edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, experience the story as never before. J.K. Rowling's complete and unabridged text is accompanied by full-color illustrations on nearly every page and eight exclusive, interactive paper craft elements: Reade...
19 999 Ft
Virginia Woolf
Libertine Könyvkiadó

Mrs. Dalloway

"A létezés költészetének általános érzése" - ez hatja át Virginia Woolf 1925-ben megjelent regényét, amelyet azóta szép lassan a huszadik századi világirodalom legnagyobb remekműveinek sorába emelt az idő - és persze az olvasók, akik mindig valami újat fedezhetnek fel a középkorú asszony csapongó gondolataiban, a férfiak (és a nők) iránti vonzalmainak csipkefinom leírásaiban. A varázsos tudatfolyamból azonban kikerekedik egy megejtő történet is: nemcsak Mrs. Dallowayé, hanem egy volt első vil...
4 499 Ft
Charlotte Bronte
Wordsworth Editions
Oldalak száma:

Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre ranks as one of the greatest and most perennially popular works of English fiction. Although the poor but plucky heroine is outwardly of plain appearance, she possesses an indomitable spirit, a sharp wit and great courage.

She is forced to battle against the exigencies of a cruel guardian, a harsh employer and a rigid social order. All of which circumscribe her life and position when she becomes governess to the daughter of the mysterious, sardonic and attractive Mr Rochester.

5 999 Ft
Iulia Bochis
Ebury Publishing
Oldalak száma:

The Sun, the Sea and the Stars: Ancient wisdom as a healing journey

In this modern tale for the ages, hit Instagram illustrator @iuliastration takes us a on a healing journey.

Following the story of a traveller as they move from darkness to light through the rhythm of the seasons, this is a deeply relatable quest for inner peace told through calming and original illustrations.

Using ancient wisdom and philosophical quotes from around the world - from Rumi to Emily Dickinson - to anchor her striking visual storytelling, Iulia Bochis weaves a timeless story of pe...
7 999 Ft
Jane Austen
Wordsworth Editions
Oldalak száma:

Emma (Wordsworth Collector's Editions)

Emma by Jane Austen. Jane Austen teased readers with the idea of a 'heroine whom no one but myself will much like', but Emma is irresistible. 'Handsome, clever, and rich', Emma is also an 'imaginist', 'on fire with speculation and foresight'. She sees the signs of romance all around her, but thinks she will never be married. Her matchmaking maps out relationships that Jane Austen ironically tweaks into a clearer perspective. Judgement and imagination are matched in games the reader too can en...
5 999 Ft
Jane Austen
Wordsworth Editions
Oldalak száma:

Persuasion (Wordsworth Collector's Edition)

What does persuasion mean - a firm belief, or the action of persuading someone to think something else? Anne Elliot is one of Austen's quietest heroines, but also one of the strongest and the most open to change. She lives at the time of the Napoleonic wars, a time of accident, adventure, the making of new fortunes and alliances.
5 999 Ft
Koniorczyk Borbála, Merker Dávid
21. Század Kiadó
Oldalak száma:

Hosszúlépés a körúton túl - Séták, titkok, történetek

Újpesti történetek - Boldog békeidok Józsefvárosban - Az utolsó csendes éj Budán - A kapitalizmus tündöklése és nyomorúsága Dél-Pesten

Senki sem jár úgy Budapesten, mint Koniorczyk Borbála és Merker Dávid. A tematikus városi séták mufajteremtoiként tövirol hegyire ismerik a várost. Mára védjegyükké vált, sodró stílusukban és lefegyverzo tudás birtokában vezetnek minket végig Budapest újabb négy, ismertnek hitt városrészén. Második könyvük is magával ragadó, izgalmas történetfol...
7 490 Ft
HVG Könyvek Kiadó
Oldalak száma:

A képzőművészet nagykönyve

Létezik-e a görögök által megálmodott ideális szépség? Miért és hogyan próbálja az ember megformálni, láthatóvá tenni isteneit? Miképpen hatnak a színek, a formák, a tónusok az emberi lélekre? Milyen szerepet játszott a fotográfi a felfedezése a táj és az emberábrázolásban? Teremtett-e új irányzatot Duchamp piszoárja? Mi adja egy műalkotás művészi értékét?

A képzőművészet nagykönyve több mint 200 remekművön keresztül mutatja be a művészekben rejlő varázslatos kifejezőerőt. Rengeteg képpel, grafikával, időrendben foglalja össze az egyes stíluskorszakokat, és ad átfogó képet a meghatározó művészeti törekvésekről, irányzatokról, valamint a különböző kifejezésmódokról. Az írott történelem előtti időszak termékenységszobraitól napjaink videóinstallációjáig az önkifejezés szinte végtelen eszköztárát mutatja be. Mindemellett újszerű szemszögből világítja meg a képzőművészet

történetében megjelenő párhuzamokat és ellentéteket.

A kötet remek összefoglalás és izgalmas kaland mindazoknak, akik szeretnék behatóbban megismerni a közismert és az újonnan felfedezett mesterek képzőművészeti alkotásait és élettörténetét.

7 500 Ft
Charles Dickens
Oldalak száma:

Great Expectations (Wordsworth Collector's Editions)

Considered by many to be Dickens' finest novel, Great Expectations traces the growth of the book's narrator, Philip Pirrip (Pip), from a boy of shallow dreams to a man with depth of character. From its famous dramatic opening on the bleak Kentish marshes, the story abounds with some of Dickens' most memorable characters. Among them are the kindly blacksmith Joe Gargery, the mysterious convict Abel Magwitch, the eccentric Miss Havisham and her beautiful ward Estella, Pip's good-hearted room-mate Herbert Pocket and the pompous Pumblechook.

As Pip unravels the truth behind his own 'great expectations' in his quest to become a gentleman, the mysteries of the past and the convolutions of fate through a series of thrilling adventures serve to steer him towards maturity and his most important discovery of all - the truth about himself.

5 999 Ft
William Shakespeare
Oldalak száma:

Romeo and Juliet (Wordsworth Collector's Editions)

Romeo and Juliet is the world's most famous drama of tragic young love. Defying the feud which divides their families, Romeo and Juliet enjoy the fleeting rapture of courtship, marriage and sexual fulfilment; but a combination of old animosities and new coincidences brings them to suicidal deaths.

This play offers a rich mixture of romantic lyricism, bawdy comedy, intimate harmony and sudden violence. Long successful in the theatre, it has also generated numerous operas, ballets and films; and these have helped to make Romeo and Juliet perennially topical.

5 999 Ft
Knock Knock
Oldalak száma:

Knock Knock Personal Library Kit Classic Edition Personal Library Kit

For bibliophiles, there's no greater pleasure than sharing beloved reads—and no crueler pain than not getting 'em back. With the Personal Library Kit, you can share your favorites, fret-free! Simply place the self-adhesive pocket inside the cover of a book you can't live without, complete the circulation card, and loan away in confidence. Best of all, this classic bestseller now comes in a fancy new package that looks like an actual book!

  • The perfect gift for book lovers and old-school card catalog fans!
  • If you dig library card pockets, date stampers, and cool book accessories, this beauty's for you
  • 6 x 7.5 x 1.25 inches; gifty box; 20 self-adhesive pockets and card catalog checkout cards / bookplates; date stamp and inkpad; pencil
11 999 Ft
Jane Austen, Barbara Heller
Oldalak száma:

Persuasion: The Complete Novel, Featuring the Characters' Letters and Paper

This special edition invites fans inside the world of Anne Elliot. It includes the full text of Persuasion, plus gorgeous, removable replicas of the characters' letters and other paper ephemera.

Captain Wentworth's letter to Anne Elliot remains one of the literature's most unforgettable confessions. It is the jewel at the heart of
Persuasion, Jane Austen's captivating story of second chances and enduring love. Throughout the story, letters, newspapers, maps, and other paper ephemera reveal the characters' deepest motivations and shape their destinies. Anne's snobbish father obsesses over a written history of their noble family, and a page from the Bath Chronicle reveals the elaborate social scene of the town where the lovers are finally reunited.

This deluxe edition brings all of this and more to life. As you read the novel, you will find pockets throughout containing replicas of thirteen items from the story, re-created with exquisite calligraphy and painstaking attention to historical detail. For anyone who loves Jane Austen or still cherishes the joy of letter writing, this book deepens the experience of a favorite story in an entirely new way.

BELOVED STORY: PERSUASION is a much beloved classic, cherished by romantic readers everywhere. This project hits all the sweet spots for Austenites while offering something new to beguile them.

PERSUASION ADAPTATIONS IN THE WORKS: With not one but two new film adaptations of
Persuasion on the horizon, now is the perfect time to revisit the original text in a unique way, with physical ephemera that links you directly to Austen's world.

UNIQUE FORMAT: From the masterful calligraphy to the painstaking attention to historical detail to the hand-folding of the letters to the quality of the materials—each book is an object made by fans for fans. This edition offers an immersive experience of the story, stands apart on the shelf, and makes for a truly lovely gift and keepsake.

Perfect for:

  • Jane Austen fans
  • Moms, daughters, grandmothers, and girlfriends
  • Book clubbers
  • Letter writers
  • Collectors of vintage ephemera
16 999 Ft
Louisa May Alcott, Barbara Heller
Oldalak száma:

Little Women: The Complete Novel, Featuring the Characters' Letters and Manuscripts

This special edition invites fans inside the world of the March sisters. It includes the full text of Little Women, plus gorgeous, removable replicas of the characters' letters and other writings.

For anyone who loves
Little Women, or still cherishes the joy of letter writing, this book illuminates a favorite story in a whole new way. Louisa May Alcott's classic tale follows the March sisters as they come of age, and these unforgettable characters come alive in their letters and other writings.

When Laurie invites Jo to join him for a picnic and "all sorts of larks," the unbridled joy of their friendship shines through. Each of the girls' personalities is perfectly encapsulated in the letters they pen to Marmee. And Jo's heart-wrenching poem "My Beth" speaks to the profound bond between two sisters.

As you read this deluxe edition of the novel, you will find pockets throughout containing replicas of all 17 significant letters and paper ephemera from the story, re-created with beautiful calligraphy and painstaking attention to historical detail. Pull out each one, peruse its contents, and allow yourself to be transported to the parlor of the March family home.

Little Women has been passed down from generation to generation. Greta Gerwig's 2019 film adaption welcomed new fans to the story. Now is the perfect time to revisit Alcott's original text and experience it in a unique way with physical ephemera that links you directly to the world of the March family.

UNIQUE FORMAT: From the masterful calligraphy to the painstaking attention to historical detail, to the hand-folding of the letters, to the quality of the materials—each book is an object made by fans for fans. This edition offers an immersive experience of the story, stands apart on the shelf, and makes for a truly lovely gift and keepsake.

Little Women evokes deep childhood nostalgia—yet it's a rich and sophisticated story with feminist overtones that engages readers of any age and any generation. This edition allows those who read Little Women as children to experience their beloved novel anew, while inviting first-time readers to the party.

Perfect for:

  • Little Women fans
  • Fans of the film adaptions
  • Moms, daughters, grandmothers, and girlfriends
  • Book clubbers
  • Letter writers
  • Collectors of vintage ephemera
16 999 Ft
3 999 Ft - 19 999 Ft
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